Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We love kids at Turning Point and believe that they are a valuable part of the kingdom of God. We want your kids to know Jesus and how He can be in their lives. Our staff and volunteers work hard to create age appropriate Bible teaching, worship, and games and activities for kids birth through 6th grade that are fun, safe, and interactive.

We have Sunday morning and Wednesday night programming for kids birth to 6th grade!
Plus, sign up for our weekly eNews email blast to stay up-to-date for all of the upcoming fun events for your kids!
Plus, sign up for our weekly eNews email blast to stay up-to-date for all of the upcoming fun events for your kids!
Sunday Morning
On Sundays, we offer safe, fun, and interactive Bible lessons, worship, games, and activities during Sunday school and the main service.
Sunday School: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Children’s Church: 10:45 AM-noon
Aren’t able to make it to both? No problem! Plenty of people in our community only come to the main service and we’d love to have you and your family for any part of the morning! As you’re coming in the building on Sunday mornings, let our welcome team know you’re new and looking to check in your kids and our awesome community will help get you to the right place!
Sunday School: 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Children’s Church: 10:45 AM-noon
Aren’t able to make it to both? No problem! Plenty of people in our community only come to the main service and we’d love to have you and your family for any part of the morning! As you’re coming in the building on Sunday mornings, let our welcome team know you’re new and looking to check in your kids and our awesome community will help get you to the right place!
Wednesday Nights
Similar to Sunday mornings, our Wednesday night programming includes games and activities and a Bible lesson designed to help your children find a personal connection to Jesus.
Community Meal: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Kids up through 18 eat free! $4 per adult.
NazKids Programming: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Community Meal: 6:00 PM-7:00 PM
Kids up through 18 eat free! $4 per adult.
NazKids Programming: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM
Upcoming Events