Q. What’s the vision of Turning Point?
A. Our vision is to love families and make disciples. This stems from our mission to help everyone take their next step in their relationship with Christ. For some that means meeting Jesus for the first time. For others, it is taking a step of studying His word, being a part of a Life Group or serving in local ministries. Our vision is to reach those who do not know Jesus and grow those who do.
Q. What is the purpose of this campaign?
A. We believe God is calling us to reach more people for Christ. We want Turning Point to be a place where more people—in any season of life and from any background—can find God and find their place in a God-focused community. The reality of our campaign is that it starts with each of us, when we ask God, “Who do you want me to love like Christ loves me?” As each of us asks God for His grace and power to work through us, we will reach people with the Gospel of Christ and see them grow in grace and joy and love.
Q. What are the changes planned for Turning Point?
A. We want every person who walks through the doors of Turning Point to have the opportunity to hear God’s Word, to experience Him personally and know Him deeply. To accomplish this, we plan to create an inviting and comfortable environment throughout our building, including more community space so people can go deeper in relationships. In the sanctuary, we will upgrade technology to offer a more intimate experience as we hear God’s word and worship Him. The foyer will have a coffee corner to make engagement more easily accessible and foster lifetime relationships and fellowship opportunities.
Q. What was the process our leaders went through to develop this vision?
A. After seeking wise counsel and spending much time in prayer, the leaders of Turning Point created a two-year plan of how we believe God is calling us to help more people take their next step on their journey toward God. In addition, the leadership of Turning Point worked with a group of people who help churches develop an organized approach to accomplish their vision. As a team, we were able to gain clarity on what we believe God is calling Turning Point to do over the next two years.
Q. So what exactly are you asking me to do?
A. First we need you to pray. Second, we need you to invest in your “one.” Third we would like for you to look at how you can sacrificially help us make this a reality through a financial contribution.
Q. How much money are we hoping to raise?
A. We are hoping to reach $400,000 our annual budget for one year. This will allow us to achieve all the projects on our list and further set ourselves up for increased community outreach and engagement places. This will also give us a place for open doors and increased ministry connection points in our community.
Q. Who will see my commitment?
A. Only the treasurer will see your commitment and will track the total giving.
Q. What do I do if I pledge money, but my life circumstances change?
A. We understand that life changes. We also understand this is a sacrifice. We encourage you to take bold steps of faith. We know that God always provides for us in ways seen and unseen.
Q. What happens if we don't reach our financial goal?
A. The board will prayerfully discern what projects are priority and will fund those first.
Q. What happens if we exceed our financial goal?
A. The board will look at investing in our future in other ways for the kingdom of God.
Q. Is there a way for me to participate aside from, or in addition to, a financial commitment?
A. Yes! We would welcome all help in reaching our goal financially but want you to invest in your “one” in strategic ways. Ultimately, we want each “One” to feel the love of God in powerful ways and we want you to be a part of that.
Q. Are their ways, in addition to cash gifts, that I can give to the "Imagine If initiative"?
A. We are equipped with the tools necessary to receive land, grain, stocks, or other means of donation for the Kingdom of God. This might include property or stocks that we are prepared to receive. Please let us know how you would like to donate for the cause, and we can get the process started.
Q. When and where will commitments be made?
A. We will be collecting the initial offering and celebrating the commitments made on May 18th during the morning worship service. Other monthly commitments will be received over the next 2 years.